All Tie-Me-Up silver jewelry is approved by ANPC Directorate of Precious Metals. Jewelry over 2 g of silver, as well as those for which the construction of the jewelry allows, according to the law, are also marked with the State Mark.
Rhodium-plated silver or 925 silver is a silver plated with rhodium, a precious metal from the platinum group (one of the most expensive in the world), which is used in the creation of modern silver jewelry. Grinding silver jewelry adds shine (like that of white gold), resistance to scratches, and much greater durability. Rhodium-plated jewelry does not cause allergies or other skin reactions.
Sunt superbi acesti cercei! Multumesc. Livrare prompta.
Super calitate!
5 stele!
O experienta foarte placuta!
5 stele!
5 stele!
Absolut toate achizitiile de pe acest site sunt minunate - produse de calitate, frumos lucrate care vin ambalate atat de frumos si ofera bucurie!
Produse de calitate, livrare rapida, recomand!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
Un cadou perfect!
5 stele!
Foarte multumita de produse si intreaga organizare.
5 stele!
Foarte frumosi, exact ca in poza.
Foarte multumita de cercei! Recomand cu incredere!
5 stele!
Cei mai frumosi cercei! Cel mai frumos ambalaj! Cel mai bun raport calitate-pret! Felicitari!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
Exceptional, produse ca in descriere, livrare rapida ambalaj deosebit, recomand!
5 stele!
5 stele!
Produse deosebite.
5 stele!
Deocamdata, sunt foarte multumita de produse.Cercei foarte frumosi, eleganti.
E placut, dar mai multe pot spune doar dupa Craciun, dupa ce il voi oferi cadou! Recomand produsele distribuite prin Tie-Me-Up! Sunt ptr toate gusturile si toate buzunarele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
5 stele!
Cerceii sunt minunati! Exact ce mi-am dorit!
5 stele!
5 stele!
Produse pe care le recomand cu drag! Superbe modelele, iar nuantele sunt intense!
Produse frumoase, preturi decente! Bravo!
Produsele sunt minunate si frumos lucrate. Sunt multumita de achizitii si le port cu placere !
Am fost multumita de calitate, dar si de promtitudinea cu care au fost trimise.
Produse de calitate, livrare rapida, ambalaj cadou foarte frumos.
Esarfele sunt de vis. Bijuteriile fin lucrate. Cadouri care te fac sa te simti rasfatat cu adevarat
Am primit cerceii. Sunt minunati! Multumesc frumos! O zi buna!
Multumesc pentru cercei! Sunt minunati!
Jadul verde este piatra mea preferata asa ca mi-am facut cadou acesti superbi cercei. Imi plac foarte mult, sunt lucrati asa de bine si nici nu simt ca ii am in urechi.
Mama mea s-a bucurat de cadoul primit, cu atat mai mult cu cat adora bijuteriile cu pietre verzi!
Sunt incantata la maxim de acesti cercei! Atat de bine lucrati si imi vin atat de bine in urechi! Pur si simplu, ii ador!
Multumesc pentru livrarea rapida si calitatea exceptionala. Sunt minunati acesti cercei! Va recomand!
Picături de primăvară discrete și fine. Îmi plac la nebunie.
Doamne, cat de mult imi plac acesti cercei! Foarte foarte frumosi! Nu imi mai vine sa ii dau jos din urechi. Va multumesc!
Am primit acesti cercei cadou de la fiica mea. Am fost absolut incantata de acesti cercei extraordinari prin model si culoare. Ambalajul minunat!
Ma asteptam sa primesc niste cercei frumosi dar cand am deschis coletul am descoperit niste cercei absolut minunati! De cand i-am primit nu ii mai dau jos din urechi!
Iubesc acest verde! I-am asteptat cu sufletul la gura, sunt fabulosi! De 1000 de ori mai frumosi in realitate! Arata minunat in ureche si au ajuns foarte repede! Sunt foarte multumita de alegerea facuta!! ! Va recomand din suflet!
Mamei mele i-a placut atat de mult cadoul primit incat nu mai da jos cerceii de la dumneavoastra! Ii dau dreptate pentru ca sunt foarte frumosi si ii si vin foarte bine! Va multumesc!
Foarte frumosi,imi place ca au prindere africana,parca asa ii simt mai in siguranta la ureche!
Foarte frumosi cerceii, o pereche i-am cumparat pentru mine si o pereche pentru a-i oferi cadou, dar ma asteptam sa fie mai mari, sincer pentru gusturile mele sunt un pic cam mici, desi au cat scrie in descriere 3 cm. In rest modelul este superb. Voi reveni pentru ca imi mai plac cateva bijuterii de pe site-ul dumneavoastra.
Spectaculosi! Aceasta este ce caracterizeaza cel mai bine acesti cercei. Ii port cu mare drag!
Cerceii comandati au fost superbi! Ii iubesc!
· The prices of Tie-Me-Up products are those mentioned in the online store and are expressed in lei (RON). The price refers to one piece of product and includes VAT. The transport is free on Romanian territory for any order with a value of more than 99.00 lei.
· An invoice will be issued for each order, which shall contain all the legally binding indications.
· Cash: The consideration for the order is paid at the time of delivery by the courier. In the case of invoices on the company, please ask the courier for the receipt you paid in cash.
· Online payment by card
- Payment can be made online with the personal card or the company card (via the secure Europayment services platform - The cards accepted for payment are those issued under the Visa (Classic and Electron) and MasterCard logos (including Maestro, if they have a VV2/CVC2 code). No additional commission shall be charged for transactions.
- If you have chosen the payment method ” Online Credit Card “ it is necessary to fill in a form with the information about your card in the secure payment processor page.
- Payments with credit/debit cards issued under the Visa and MasterCard logo (Visa/Visa Electron and MasterCard/Maestro code if they have CVV2/CVC2 code) are made through the "3-D secure" system developed by organizations providing online transactions the same level of security as those made at ATMs or in the physical environment at the trader.
– "3-D secure" first ensures that no information related to your card is transferred or stored at any time on the store servers or on the payment processor's servers, this data being directly entered into Visa and MasterCard systems.
- If the card is associated with an account in a currency other than Lei/RON, the transactions are made in lei at the exchange rate of the issuing bank for the card.
- Processing of card data is done exclusively through the payment platform. Tie-Me-Up does not request or store any details of your card.
· By bank transfer if you choose the payment method: "Payment with OP". If you choose this method of payment, a new page will be opened on the site, with the data of our company, needed to carry out the bank transfer. Your shipment will be sent when we are notified by the banking service that the payment has been made. But if you want us to deliver your order faster, please send us the proof of payment ( via email.
· In the case of electronic payments, Tie-Me-Up is/cannot be held responsible for any additional cost you incur, including but not limited to: commissions of any kind, differences arising from currency conversion (if applicable) etc.
Contact us: 0725.754.999/021.321.18.94
S.C. Tie-Me-Up S.R.L. Negustori Street, No. 14, Bucharest
Contact us: 0725.754.999/021.321.18.94
S.C. Tie-Me-Up S.R.L.
Negustori Street, No. 14, Bucharest
Superbi. Ușori, delicați, finuți. Superbi. Recomand